Monday, January 7, 2013


Ok... I know, this blog is the Sugar Coated Health Nut and you are thinking it is going to be healthy recipes right?  Well, this would be the "Sugar Coated" part of the blog! 

And now the unthinkable confession - I do not like chocolate.  There I said it!  Go ahead and call me crazy, I understand, everyone thinks I am!  But, imagine this, I found a man who doesn't like chocolate either!  You may be wondering what this has to do with Wassail or German Tea or Scottish Tea or Spiced Tea or whatever you want to call it.... (I just think Wassail is a fun name to say!) Here is the thing, I sometimes just crave a warm, sweet drink - sweeter than tea, but not hot white chocolate and certainly not regular hot chocolate and my husband doesn't do coffee and I only do a small coffee in the morning...  So, time to break out the Wassail! 

It doesn't get any easier than this recipe.  Trust me.  I whip this stuff up often, we have a tendency to go through it quickly!  After reading many many recipes, I have figured out my perfect drink, so here it is:


1 cup of powdered orange drink (NOT tang, a generic sweet orange flavored drink mix)
1 cup of powdered Arnold Palmer or 1/2 lemonade 1/2 ice tea mix (this has many names, any will do)
1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of Cloves

That is it.  I told you it was easy!  Four ingredients - mix them together and keep them in a sealed container.  I use about 2 tablespoons for each cup of hot water, but adjust to your personal preference!  My husband sometimes adds honey, sugar, more spices or lemon juice - do what you would like, but personally, I think this one is perfect!


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