Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Feel-Better Quick Drink

We all know that feeling... that tickle in your throat, the headache, the chills ahh yes, flu season!  Yuck!!  Well, this little drink is here to save the day.  Yes, it really is that good!  I know there are some recipes out there with vinegar and spicy pepper powders but, I don't think I could handle that when I don't feel well.  So, I concocted this little beauty and I am in love!  Three times I have felt colds coming on and I have made this and felt better in about an hour.  That is perfection during the flu season...

The Feel-Better Quick Drink

  • Fill your favorite mug with warm water
  • Add lemon juice, I add a lot - as much as the pucker-test can handle, add what you can handle
  • Honey, local is best (it helps with local allergies) but really, this is just to sweeten it up
  • Ginger, I had some fresh on hand, but powdered also works, once again do as much as you can comfortably handle

Now sip this and adjust to your tastes if you need, and feel better quick!!


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