Monday, January 28, 2013

The Best Taco Seasoning!

Have you ever picked up a packet of taco seasoning and read the ingredients?  You can't pronounce more than half of what it says!  I can't stand the thought of putting that in my body.  But, Mexican food is a staple in my house - tacos are the most requested dinner by my husband!  What is a girl to do?  Make a chemical, junk-free, homemade version of course!

This picture alone is making my mouth water!!!


Garlic Powder
Onion Flakes
Chili Powder
Cumin Powder
Cayenne Pepper

Now don't panic, I realize there are no amounts here... the reason being is that this is really to your personal preference.  I don't like a lot of garlic so I use a couple shakes, onion is wonderful so that gets like ten shakes, chili adds a nice color and touch of spice so shake that one a few times, cumin is that lovely smokey flavor shake shake shake, and cayenne is the "kick" make it as spicy as you like - two shakes for mild, four for medium, six for spicy, etc.  Not so scary - I promise!  I cook my meat thoroughly before adding in the seasonings and then I taste test as I go, you can always add more but you can't take away so remember that!

Serve this lovely stuff on a huge taco salad (what I LOVE) or a homemade tortilla (recipe on blog) with all the fixings - enjoy!

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